What You Can Do When Your AC Unit Suddenly Stops Working

air conditioner

It can be so frustrating when your AC suddenly stops working at the worst time possible. You may be unsure what to do, especially if this is the first time it has occurred. Don’t worry, in this article, we will give you a guide on what to do when you have an AC outage.

What to Do When You Have an AC Outage

If your air conditioner stops working, don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue and get your AC unit up and running again. Just keep reading below to learn more about these steps you can take.

1. Check Your Air Filters

One of the first things you need to do is check your unit’s air filter, as it may be too clogged. If it is clogged with dust and dirt, your AC unit will not be able to produce cool air.

The best thing to do if your air filters are dirty and clogged is to replace them. It is not a difficult process, but if you don’t have air filters stocked up, then you will have to purchase one. This is why it is always best to have air filters in your home in case an incident happens again.

2. Inspect the Breakers

The power breaker of your AC unit may trip if there is a sudden power surge or sudden loss of power. This happens because the machine detects abnormal electricity activity and pauses it to ensure safety.

Check your breaker and see if it was tripped. Try to reset the breaker, and if it trips again, an issue may require you to get in touch with an HVAC professional to help you out.

3. Watch Out for Signs of Leaks

You may not be able to tell whether there is a leak or not without a professional with you. However, if there is a buildup of ice on the external pipes and your unit is not blowing cold air, you likely have a leak.

Do not try to fix a leak yourself, as it can be a complex process requiring an HVAC expert. Instead, if you suspect a leak with your unit, contact your HVAC professional immediately and have them inspect it to be sure.

4. Contact an Expert

If you have no idea what is wrong with your AC unit, then the best way to deal with it is to contact a professional. By doing so, you can be assured that they will be able to identify the root of the issue and address it immediately.

You also don’t have to worry if the incident happens at odd hours, like early morning or late night. Many HVAC companies now offer emergency services for you to contact them even at late or early hours. With this, you don’t have to wait too long for your AC unit to get repaired.


While there are some steps that you can take to troubleshoot your AC unit, the best step still is to contact a professional. With the help of a professional, you can be sure that your AC unit is in good hands and it should be repaired almost immediately.

Having trouble with your home heating systems in the Durham region? You can hire us, the Climate Experts. We install, service, and repair furnaces and AC units, offering 24/7 and emergency services. Contact us to learn more.

Why Getting Regular Furnace Maintenance Is a Must for Homeowners

professional performing furnace maintenance

Anyone who owns a home knows that a well-functioning furnace plays a crucial role in ensuring one’s space is comfortable. But many homeowners don’t realize that neglecting this important task can lead to costly repairs down the road. 

Most homeowners don’t think about their furnace until it breaks down in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, this can lead to costly repairs and even replacement of the entire unit. Regular furnace maintenance is a must for homeowners, and it’s something that should be done at least once a year. 

By scheduling regular furnace maintenance, you can help ensure that your system is running efficiently and that any potential problems are caught and fixed before they become bigger, more expensive issues. While we understand how staying on top of your furnace’s upkeep feels like another chore to remember, the list below explores the many benefits of furnace maintenance that can make it worth your while.

Why Regular Furnace Maintenance Is Important for Any Home 

1. It Ensures Your Furnace can Run Efficiently for Longer Periods

One of the main benefits of furnace maintenance is that it helps ensure your furnace can run efficiently for longer periods of time. By having a professional come in and clean your furnace, they can help identify any potential issues with the unit and address them before it ends up being a costly mess. This can not only help save you money on your energy bills, but also extend the life of your furnace.

2. It Boosts the Furnace’s Energy Efficiency and Lowers Your Overall Bills

A furnace that is properly maintained can be up to 30 per cent more energy efficient than one that is not. When your furnace is running more efficiently, it not only saves you money on your monthly energy bill, but also helps reduce your impact on the environment. By making a few simple repairs and adjustments to your furnace each year, you can help keep it running at its best and save yourself some money in the process.

3. It Mitigates Safety Hazards

There are a number of important reasons why regular furnace maintenance is important for any home. For one, it helps to ensure that your family stays safe and comfortable all winter long. Furnaces that aren’t properly maintained can be dangerous, as they may produce harmful gases or start a fire. Additionally, regular maintenance can help to increase the lifespan of your furnace and save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs.

4. It Improves Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

A dirty furnace can circulate dust and other allergens throughout your home, which can aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions. By having a professional technician clean and tune up your furnace each year, you can help reduce the number of allergens in your home’s air.

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Regularly Maintaining Your Home’s Furnace

Maintaining your home’s furnace is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, failing to maintain your furnace can result in decreased performance and increased energy usage, both of which can lead to higher monthly bills. Not to mention, neglecting to maintain your furnace may also cause it to break down prematurely, which can be costly and inconvenient.

Thankfully, maintaining your furnace is a relatively simple process. By regularly cleaning or changing the filters and checking the oil levels, you can help ensure that your furnace runs smoothly and efficiently all winter long. 

Additionally, if you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your furnace, be sure to have it checked out by a professional immediately. Taking these simple steps will help keep your home warm and comfortable all winter long – without breaking the bank!

Do You Need Professionals to Handle All Your Furnace Needs?

At Climate Experts, we believe that everyone should have access to quality furnace services, regardless of their budget. That’s why we offer a wide range of furnace services, from maintenance and repair to installation and replacement. We also have a team of experienced professionals who can handle all your furnace needs, so you can rest assured that your furnace will be taken care of properly.

If you’re wondering how much a high-efficiency furnace costs, or if you need to know more about our HVAC services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

Everything You Need to Know about Furnace Maintenance

technician carrying toolbox

As a homeowner, you know that there are a lot of things you need to keep up with in order to keep your home in tip-top shape. One of those things is your furnace. In order to keep your furnace running smoothly and efficiently, there are a few things you need to do on a regular basis. Here are the ins and outs of furnace maintenance that you need to know.

Why Is Furnace Maintenance Important?

If you’re not used to working on any of your home’s systems yourself, you might be wondering why it’s so important to maintain your furnace. The answer is simple: you need to keep your furnace well-maintained in order to keep it working properly. Like any other mechanical system, your furnace needs regular tune-ups to ensure that it’s functioning correctly.

If you don’t properly maintain your furnace, it could cause a number of problems down the line. First of all, it could end up breaking down completely. A well-maintained furnace is less likely to break down than one that is not. In addition, if you don’t properly maintain your furnace, it could end up costing you a lot of money in repairs. These repairs could be much more expensive than regular maintenance, so it’s important to make sure your furnace is running smoothly.

DIY Furnace Maintenance Checklist

If you want to do some of the furnace maintenance yourself, there are a few things you can do. Here is a DIY furnace maintenance checklist:

  1. Make sure all air filters are replaced on a regular basis, and if needed, replace the filter cartridges as well.
  2. Clean the firebox and flue regularly with an approved cleaning agent.
  3. Inspect the chimney for any problems or signs of wear, and fix them if necessary.
  4. Check the insulation in your furnace room regularly, and replace any damaged insulation as needed.

Furnace Maintenance You Should Leave to the Professionals

While some furnace maintenance tasks can be done by homeowners, there are certain tasks that should be left to the professionals. Here are a few of those tasks:

  1. Replacing furnace filters – This is a task that can easily be done by homeowners, but it’s important to make sure you replace the filters on a regular basis.
  2. Cleaning the firebox and flue – This is also a task that can be done by homeowners, but it’s important to use an approved cleaning agent.
  3. Replacing insulation – Homeowners should not attempt to replace insulation on their own, as this is a job for professionals only.
  4. Tightening of loose electrical components – Homeowners should not attempt to tighten loose electrical components on their own. Improper tightening can result in electric shock or fire.
  5. Lubrication of all moving parts – Homeowners should not attempt to lubricate moving parts on their own, as this could cause injury if done incorrectly. You could also put lubricant in the wrong places, which could damage your furnace.

When Should You Schedule Furnace Maintenance?

In order to keep your furnace running smoothly, you should schedule maintenance at least once a year. Many homeowners choose to schedule maintenance before the winter begins, so they know that their furnace will be ready to go when the cold weather hits.

During the maintenance visit, the technician will thoroughly inspect your furnace and clean it out. They will also oil your furnace, so it runs more smoothly. After the tune-up is complete, you should notice a difference in the way your furnace runs.


Furnace maintenance is important to keep your home comfortable and energy-efficient. By following the proper steps and precautions, you can ensure that your furnace runs smoothly all winter long.

If you’re having problems with your furnace or you just want to make sure that it’s properly maintained, it’s best to call in the reliable technicians at Climate Experts. We are a Canadian-owned and operated company serving the Durham region, GTA, and surrounding areas. Whenever you need repair and maintenance work on your cooling and home heating systems, our team will be there. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Nasty Things You Should Remove from Your Air Conditioner

home with air conditioner

Many people start cranking up the air conditioning to stay cool and comfortable as the weather gets hotter. But did you notice that your air conditioner can harbour nasty things that may impact your health? For example, you can develop headaches, respiratory problems, and even Legionnaires’ disease if you’re not careful.

Here are a few things you should remove from your air conditioner to keep you and your family healthy.

1. Bacteria and Viruses

You probably understand the dangers of being contaminated with bacteria and viruses in your home, which leads to various diseases. As with all appliances in your home, your AC unit can contain dirt over time. Moreover, keeping your AC filter dirty can lead to excessively dry air, which can cause respiratory problems.

Hiring professionals to keep your AC unit clean is the best way to avoid these problems. You can do this by constantly adjusting the filter and cleaning the coils. Once the filter is removed, you must rinse it under running water. Make sure you remove all the dirt and debris from the filter before putting it back in place.

2. Mould

Mould is a fungus that can build on any surface, including fabrics, food, and walls, and it comes in various colours. If you have any water damage in your home, you may have mould, which can be extremely harmful to your health. 

Aside from being dangerous to your health, there are various news stories about mould ruining people’s homes. Additionally, the worst part about mould is that it’s challenging to remove, and you may not know that you have it until it’s too late.

3. Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny arthropods that are often difficult to see with the naked eye. Even though they’re small, they’re still a considerable health hazard, as they often cause respiratory problems, such as asthma. 

Dust mites are usually found in mattresses, couches, and other pieces of furniture, and they love to feed on the dead skin cells we shed daily. If you have dust mites in your home, you may experience allergic reactions and other problems.

4. Pet Dander

If you have a pet, you must be aware of the dangers of pet dander. Pet dander is tiny particles of skin that animals shed, which can lead to various allergies and other respiratory problems. You may not think your pet’s fur is a danger to your health, but you must be aware of what’s happening. After all, your AC unit gets these particles a lot.

Pet dander can cause sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. It can also provoke asthma attacks and make existing respiratory problems worse. If you have allergies, exposure to pet dander can cause itching, redness, and swelling. It can even lead to anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction in severe cases.

5. Chemical Residue

Chemical residue in your air conditioner is often caused by unfiltered water. This makes your chemicals not work correctly and result in your filter clogging. Moreover, it can also cause your air conditioner’s coils to freeze, making it less effective at cooling your home.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to periodically clean your air conditioner to prevent the build-up of nasty things like mould, dust, and bacteria. By removing these things from your air conditioner, you can improve the air quality in your home and prevent health problems.

Climate Experts is a company you can trust for your AC repair needs. In addition, we do thermostat setting for summer and furnace repair services in Canada. Contact us today for more information!

Solve Your Furnace Problems: 5 Reasons for Cold Furnace Air


Furnaces are essential in keeping you comfortable at home, especially in the cooler months. If you’ve noticed that your furnace isn’t putting out as much heat as it used to, there could be several reasons.

In this article, you’ll learn some of the most common causes of this problem to get your furnace back up and running as soon as possible.

1. Blocked Air Filters

One of the most common causes of a furnace not igniting is that the air filters are blocked. When the air filters are blocked, it prevents air from flowing properly through the furnace, which can cause a number of problems.

If your furnace isn’t igniting, one of the first things you should check is whether or not the air filters are clean. If they’re dirty, simply replace them and see if that solves the problem.

2. Faulty Thermostat 

If your furnace isn’t igniting, one of the first things you should check is whether or not the thermostat is set to “heat.” If it’s not, simply adjust it and see if that solves the problem.

It’s also possible that the thermostat itself is faulty. If adjusting the setting doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to replace the thermostat entirely.

3. Clogged Furnace Lines

Clogged furnace lines are a common problem during the winter. The best way to prevent this is to have your furnace serviced before the start of the heating season. However, if you find yourself with clogged furnace lines, there are a few things you can do to try and clear them.

One thing you can do is check to see if the clog is in the main line or one of the branch lines. You can try using a plunger or snake to clear it if it is in a branch line. If the clog is in the main line, you need to call a professional to remove it.

4. Low Gas Supply

If you notice that your furnace isn’t working as well as it used to, one possibility is that you have a low gas supply. This can happen for several reasons, including a gas line leak or a gas meter problem. If you think you might have a low gas supply, the best thing to do is call your utility company and have them come out to check it.

5. Dirty Flame Sensor

Another common cause of furnaces not igniting is a dirty flame sensor. The flame sensor is a small probe near the burner assembly that detects whether or not a flame is present. If it gets dirty, it can prevent the furnace from igniting correctly.

Use a wire brush to remove any dirt or debris to clean your flame sensor. Once it’s clean, try restarting your furnace and see if that solves the problem.

Final Thoughts

While these are the most common furnace problems, they aren’t the only ones you may face. If you’re having any issues with your furnace, it’s best to call a professional to take a look.

For issues like furnace overheating or producing cool air, contact us at Climate Experts today. We offer 24/7 emergency services related to furnaces—installations, repairs, and other maintenance needs. Give us a call for more information.

Odours Your Furnace Can Produce and What They Indicate

technician checking furnace

A furnace is absolutely necessary for any home heating system, mainly because it will be utilized extensively during the winter months. While it generates heat, it might malfunction from time to time. One example is when it emits odours that it shouldn’t.

There are several reasons why a furnace may emit unusual odours. Sometimes, the smell is merely caused by the home’s heating system. It’s usually the consequence of a furnace problem that has to be rectified. Regardless, it should not emit odours and should be repaired as soon as possible.

This article discusses some of the most prevalent scents a furnace should not emit and how to remedy them. 

Smoke from a Failed Motor

If the smoke comes from your furnace, you will almost certainly be able to identify it. A smoky odour is not something you should be seeking from a furnace.

Depending on the origin of the smoke, cleaning the filters and ensuring that all soot is cleared from the gas burner, flame tube, and heat exchanger may be simple solutions. If the reason for the smoke is a faulty motor, you should get it repaired by a specialist.

Burning Dust Odours from Overheating

Furnace overheating is frequently the cause of an odour that smells like burning dust. This might be due to a malfunctioning motor or a blocked filter.

The simplest solution is to get the air filter cleaned. It would be best if you still inspected your furnace to verify that no dust is being drawn into it.

The Smell of Rotten Eggs from Your Gas Burner

Fumes emitted by the gas burner mainly cause the stench of rotting eggs. This scent is typical after turning off the gas valve, although it should not be an issue in the first place.

The odour can be eliminated by inspecting the gas valve and burner assembly. If the condition persists, you should seek expert assistance.

Foul Sewage from a Blocked Drain Line

Various circumstances might cause a nasty sewage stench or anything similar. It can occur due to a clogged drain line, a pump malfunction, a broken gas safety shutoff, a clogged filter, and other factors.

In most situations, cleaning the drain pipe will eliminate the odour. If, on the other hand, the stench remains and the case is not as simple as a clogged drain, you should contact a specialist to resolve the issue.

Mould in the Vents

Mould is a serious issue that must be treated immediately. One of the first symptoms of mould growth is the odour it emits. Even if you can’t see the mould, it’s a good idea to have a professional examine the heating system to ensure no mould is forming.

Mould might form on the vent or in the ductwork. The fungus can grow due to the heating system being kept in an overly damp environment. To avoid mould formation, make sure the environment is dry.

Metallic Smells from a Bad Motor

If your furnace emits a metallic odour, there is most certainly an issue with the engine. A faulty motor might cause this issue. If it isn’t, it might be the result of something else.

The issue with a defective motor is that it might overheat and burn out. A refrigerant leak can cause this. The burning refrigerant might provide a burning odour. In this scenario, it is advised that you contact a specialist to resolve the issue for you.


There are a few smells that can indicate problems with your furnace. A burning smell could mean an oil or gas leak, while a musty smell could tell that the furnace is not venting correctly. If you notice any of these smells, it is essential to have your furnace checked by a professional as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

Are you looking for gas furnace prices in Canada? Climate Experts installs, services, and maintains all major brands of furnaces and air conditioners. Request a free estimate today!