Signs You Need Ductless Repair Soon

Do you have a ductless air conditioner that may not be working the way you want and need it to? It may be time to consider ductless repair in Oshawa. Your ductless system can be a highly reliable system, and with good maintenance and upkeep, you may not need a lot of repairs over time. However, as soon as you start to see problems, it is best to call a professional for repair before the problem worsens. Here are a few examples of when this needs to be done.

The Controls Are Unresponsive

One indication that it is time to get some help for your system is when the controls on the device are not responding to you or are no longer reliable. If the system fails to respond when you turn it on or off, or the controls are simply not registering, that may be an indication of a need for repairs related to the electrical components.

Grinding Noises

It is sometimes common to hear your ductless system running. However, if you notice a change in the way it sounds, especially if you hear a grinding sound, it is necessary to consider repairs. The grinding sound often means that the bearings need to be oiled. They could be creating a significant amount of motor friction, which can lead to damage to your system over time.

Higher Energy Bills

When you turn on your ductless air conditioner, that is going to pull more energy. However, if you notice bills are climbing month over month, that often means that there’s a bigger problem at play. Your system may be losing efficiency, especially if it is over 10 years old. If your unit is younger, there could be problems with the air filter, or some of the components may be failing.

It’s Cooling But Not Enough

You may feel like your home does not get cool enough. In other cases, you may feel that the system is working harder even though the air temperature does not seem to be improving. This can often occur due to a leak in the refrigerant, or it may be that the air handler fan is not operational. It is critical to get help for this sooner as it can worsen over time.

Ice Formation

Though less common, it is possible that ice will begin to form on the outdoor components of your air conditioner. This is often due to a clogged filter. However, a nonworking fan, refrigerant leak, or even a dirty coil can lead to this. Do not put this repair off as it can typically cause a significant amount of slow down and energy overconsumption, leading to higher bills.

Getting Repair Help Is an Option

For ductless repair, Oshawa residents can count on our team at Climate Experts Heating & Cooling. We will work closely with you to determine the underlying cause of the problems you are having. We then make recommendations to help you determine the best way to improve functionality all summer long.

5 Benefits of Air Conditioner Service

Why should you request air conditioner service in Whitby if your system is working just fine? Many people put off calling in an HVAC contractor until there is a problem. While they should be your go-to provider if you are having any type of problem, they can also offer a number of benefits for routine, annual maintenance, and upkeep. Consider a few of the most important reasons to call for service now.

#1: Annual Maintenance Keeps You System Operational

On the hottest day of the summer months, your air conditioner may be so taxed that it stops working. You and your family are suffering. This could be avoided in many cases with annual maintenance. This allows your technician to inspect the system, ensure it is working properly, and address any concerns present before they become a problem. It could mean you do not need costly repairs in the middle of the season.

#2: Extend the Life of Your System

The cost of a new air conditioner can be very expensive. With routine maintenance, you can extend the life of your system. That means you do not have to replace it too soon. For many homeowners, extending that time can prove beneficial to your budget.

#3: Reduce Energy Use

Most people want to reduce energy consumption. The less you use, the better it is for the environment. A system that is well maintained on a consistent basis is less likely to need excessive amounts of energy. That is good for the planet. At the same time, it is also great for your budget. You do not want to spend more money to cool your home than you need to. A properly working, efficient system helps you spend less to keep your home more comfortable.

#4: Keep Moisture at Bay

High humidity levels in some areas are common in the summer months. Too much humidity in the air means too much moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. When your air conditioner is working at its best, it does a great job of removing excess moisture from the air. That means your home is less at risk for mold problems brought on by high humidity levels.

#5: Create a Comfortable Environment

Your air conditioner service can also help to ensure your system is working to properly create consistent, comfortable, and cool air. If you do not maintain your system consistently, the air in your home could be too cold in one area and too hot in another. It may be inconsistent throughout the day. You may need a new thermostat to help with regulation, too. That is something that can be done as a part of a service call as well.

Schedule an Air Conditioner Service Call in Whitby Today

If you have not done so yet this year, set up air conditioner service in Whitby by giving our team a call. Climate Experts Heating & Cooling can be there to help you with any needs and provide advice on how to keep your home comfortable and cool all summer for less.

Why Is the AC Running But Not Cooling?

If your air conditioner is not operating properly, it could be time to call in a technician. One of the most common reasons to do this is when your air conditioner is running – you can feel air coming into the room through the vents – but the home isn’t getting cool. There are a few potential causes for this. If you are experiencing it, it is beneficial to call a licensed technician for air conditioner repair in Ajax instead of trying to make the repairs on your own.

Why Isn’t It Cooling?

There are a few potential causes for the home not to get cool even though the air conditioner is getting power and seems to be operational.

Air filter: One of the most common problems is a very clogged air conditioner filter. Make this the first thing you check. If air cannot get into the system, it cannot push enough air into the home. The system will continue to try to operate, but over time, it may begin to fail. If replacing the air filter helps cool the home, that is the right place to start.

Blocked condenser: Another potential problem is that the outdoor condenser unit is blocked. A blocked or clogged condenser coil cannot pull in enough air to meet the demands of the air conditioner. The condenser fan should pull in air from outdoors and into the system to cool. However, dirt, grass, leaves, and other debris can get in the way, minimizing the amount of air that can travel into the system. Check the outdoor unit for debris. If it is significantly blocked, this could be the problem.

Refrigerant leak: In some cases, you may need air conditioner repair if your system is running and blowing air, but no cool air is coming out. Refrigerant is a chemical necessary for cooling to take place. In some situations, the cooling system can develop a leak, leading to the loss of cooled air. When this happens, it can make it nearly impossible for your AC to get your home to a comfortable level. Have a technician come out to inspect the system to determine the problem, find the leak, repair it, and refill the refrigerant.

Undersized: In some situations, the air conditioner is undersized. That means that there is simply not enough power from the system to cool the entire home. That can lead to numerous limitations – including an inability for the home to get to the right temperature. It may be time to upgrade the system.

Finding the Right Repair Technician Is Easy to Do

Air conditioner repair in Ajax is available from Climate Experts Heating & Cooling. If you are having trouble keeping your home’s air comfortable, do not put off getting the help you need. Without a doubt, it is often necessary to have a professional troubleshoot what is occurring.

We are happy to help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for our team to come to you for a consultation.


How to Choose the Right Air Conditioner

When your existing air conditioner is no longer efficient or functional, replacing it may be necessary. A quick look at the market may show you there are dozens of options. How do you know which to purchase? It is not always easy to make that decision.

When it comes to air conditioner installation, Pickering residents can turn to a local AC company to get recommendations. There are a few things to keep in mind before you invest.

Square Footage

One of the most important steps is to look for an air conditioner that provides enough coverage for the amount of square footage in your home. If the system is too small, it may operate harder and longer to cool the home. A system that is too large may not be as efficient. Generally, if your home is 1000 to 1200 square feet, a 35,000 to 42,000 BTU air conditioner may be ideal. If your home is 2000 square feet, you may need a 52,500 to 70,000 BTU system. Other factors play a role in that, too.

Energy Efficiency

The efficiency rating of your air conditioner is another big factor when it comes to choosing a new air conditioner for installation. Generally, it is worth it to spend a bit more to purchase an air conditioner that is of higher efficiency. That means it will save you money year-over-year in energy costs. You can view the Energy Star rating as a good starting point to compare several models.


When you get air conditioner installation, Pickering property owners are sure to want to have a system that is highly efficient, easy to use, and reliably comfortable. You also want to be sure it is going to last. A warranty is a good indication of this. Most will come with a 10-year parts and labor warranty. Others are longer.

While considering the warranty, learn the rules of it. Most often, you have to have routine maintenance for the warranty to be upheld if there is a problem down the road.

Excellent, Professional Service Matters, Too

A big problem many people have with air conditioners is that they do not get the right model or they are unable to secure the best price. When you work with a licensed contractor, you are able to count on their experience to ensure you buy the best possible model for your home. They can also help ensure that the warranty remains in place by helping you to understand the terms. In addition, they can also help by meeting all of the manufacturer’s requirements for installation.

Ready to Get Help with Your System?

If you think you need air conditioner installation in Pickering, now is the time to call a local technician for help. Contact Climate Experts Heating and Cooling to get insight into which system is best for your needs as well as your budget. You can secure a quote quickly that helps you know exactly what to expect. Contact us today for an appointment.