3 Reasons To Upgrade to a Tankless Waterheater

Tankless water heaters go by a few names like demand-type water heaters, instantaneous water heaters, and on-demand water heaters, but they all do one thing. They heat water directly without the need to store a tank of water. A tankless water heater contains a device that senses flow and is activated when the hot water tap is opened. The tankless water heater then heats the water using either an electric element or a gas burner.

Since no tank filled with water is necessary and has to constantly be replenished, you don’t need to worry about running out of hot water. As soon as you close the hot water tap, the heater senses it and shuts off the heating element. Tankless water heaters are pretty great, but let’s look at three reasons why you should consider one for your own home.


They are much smaller than conventional water heaters and they are wall-mounted. This means they don’t even take up any floor space in your home. If you live in a place where space is tight, this can be a great feature.


They help save on energy costs. Heating can account for 30% of a family’s energy usage and billing. By using a tankless heater you may save up 50% on these costs.


A tankless water heater is much more durable and less likely to fail than a regular water heater. The average lifespan of a tankless water heater is nearly twice that of a conventional one. That is, you could get 20 more years out of a tankless water heater!

Those are only a few of the perks of owning a tankless water heater. To learn more about a tankless option, visit Climate Experts today! We’d love to hear from you.

5 Tips For Getting Your Furnace Winter-Ready

When temperatures begin to drop, leaves begin to change colors, and women flock to get that pumpkin spice latte, you know it is about time to switch of your AC and make sure your furnace is ready for the new winter season. Here are a few reasons you should get your furnace ready asap!

1. Change Those Filters.

If you want to prolong the life of your furnace, one of the easiest tips is to make sure you change the filter regularly. Filters get dirty quickly and need to be replaced regularly, sometimes even monthly if possible. Changing the furnace filter helps keep particles out of your HVAC system and will prolong its life.

 2. Buy in Summer, Save in Winter.

Purchase all your filter needs in the summertime. Buy all your furnace winter needs in bulk and on sale in the middle of summer so you can save money throughout the winter. In the wintertime, those items will likely remain full price.

3. Keep it Clutter and Debris Free.

The area around your furnace should never have a bunch of debris or clutter around it. Make sure you remove anything that is stored around your furnace before using it so you can prevent fire hazards. Don’t leave anything sitting on top of or in front of it. Don’t leave anything sitting on top of or in front of air ducts and return vents either.

4. Turn the Thermostat on.

Do this before winter is in full swing. Switch your cooling to heating and set the temperature a few degrees higher than your current room temp. If it doesn’t kick on in a minute or so, you may want to pull the cover off to look and see if the wire connections are secure. But only do so if you’re comfortable with it. If it looks good but still isn’t working, you may want to call a professional to come and take a look for you. You don’t want to leave your family in the cold, so be sure to do this well before it begins to get freezing outside.

5. Clean the Heat Exchanger.

You should have a professional brush and vacuum out your heat exchanger annually while it is disabled. The technician can check for cracks while they are there too so you can make sure there isn’t a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.  

Don’t forget how important your furnace is for your family this winter, call Climate Experts to come out and make sure your furnace is winter-ready!

Tips For Getting Your Gas Fireplace Ready for Winter

The best thing about winter is coming home to a warm, crackling fire and a hot mug of cocoa. Of course, it’s even better if you have an electric fireplace you can start with the push of a button! Convenience at its best. With winter right around the corner, let’s talk about some things you should do to get your fireplace ready for winter before firing it up for the first time.


  • FIRST: Clear out the vent of the fireplace! Any and all debris should be removed as it can pose a carbon monoxide and fire risk to your home. Make sure there aren’t any cobwebs, sticks, leaves, or even pests that have set up camp in your fireplace over the summer.
  • SECONDLY: Check out the glass insert on your fireplace. If your gas fireplace has a glass-covered propane make sure it doesn’t have any chips or cracks because the glass helps contain the carbon monoxide emissions.
  • NEXT: Clean your log set thoroughly. These ceramic logs can get dusty while not in use. It isn’t really a hazard but it does smell bad if it burns off. Remember these two tips:
    • #1. Make sure your gas valve is closed before doing any cleaning or work on your fireplace.
    • #2. Return your logs to the exact position they were in before. Logs that are not put in their proper positions can cause carbon monoxide buildup and damage your fireplace.
  • NEXT: Once the logs are moved, clean dust and debris with a handheld vacuum. Don’t forget to replace broken logs.
  • NEXT: Check your pilot light if your fireplace has one. If you see any loose wires, be sure to contact us immediately for repairs.
  • FINALLY: Schedule a maintenance call with us. You should have a professional come out and check everything for you thoroughly before you go into winter. Professionals can check for gas leaks, broken sensors, and a myriad of other things that could be a potential problem for you.

It will get cold soon. Make sure you’re ready and confident in your fireplace. Give Climate Experts a call today (or send us an email) for more information about scheduling a maintenance appointment.

3 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repairing or Replacing

There’s nothing worse than finding out you have an issue with your Air Conditioning System on the day it completely stops working. And usually in the middle of a hot day. Not only is it an inconvenience but it also is somewhat avoidable. It’s important to your comfort and your health to make sure you have a properly working air conditioner. And you can do that by making sure your AC unit is regularly serviced and maintained by an air conditioning professional like Climate Experts.

You can also avoid repair services that can get costly by knowing what little issues to look out for before they turn into expensive, bigger problems. Let’s look at 3 of those warning signs below.

1. Your Air Conditioning System is Blowing Warm Air

Your air conditioner has a very specific job to do and that’s to keep your family cool and comfortable when it is hot and muggy outside. When the weather is unbearable outside, the indoors should be a welcome relief. If your AC unit is beginning to blow out warmer air, or the air doesn’t seem to be coming out as cool as it used to, you may need to call someone to take a look.

2. Your Air Conditioning Unit is Leaking Freon or Water

If there is leaking or moisture around your air conditioner, you have a problem. It could be a refrigerant (freon) leak and that is poisonous, so you’d need a professional to take care of it. The could be less serious like water leaking due to a broken or blocked tube. You may notice this by noticing water leaking from the HVAC system or maybe you notice ice developing inside your unit. Both are warning signs that your AC is in need of repair.

3. Rising or High Electric Bill

Another telltale sign that your AC may need replacement or servicing is that your electricity bill gets much higher than normal with regular usage. This can be a warning that your thermostat is broken, there’s a problem in the ductwork, or simply that your AC unit is just old and needs to be replaced. Whatever the cause, if your electric bill has skyrocketed for no apparent reason, you may want to have your air conditioner looked at.

Any one of the above signs is enough of a reason to call a specialist to your home. So, be sure to keep your family healthy and comfortable and nip any small problems in the bud before they become expensive problems by giving Climate Experts a call today at 1-855-241-7171.