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8 Air Conditioner and HVAC Tips for Spring

8 Air Conditioner and HVAC Tips for Spring

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With the arrival of spring, there are many activities that we can do to prepare for the new season. One of the more practical activities is to get our HVAC systems ready for spring. Since you will need air conditioning when the temperature gets warmer, you want to make sure your HVAC system is in great condition.

It would be wise to schedule a seasonal maintenance appointment with a professional HVAC specialist, especially if your system is getting old. If you can’t remember the last time a contractor performed preventative HVAC maintenance, this is an indication that you need to make a new appointment. Maintenance will not only help you stay cool when the summer heat arrives, but it will also help you save money on energy bills and costly repairs.

In addition to scheduling a maintenance appointment, you should follow these eight helpful air conditioner and HVAC tips for spring:

Tip #1: Clean leaves and debris around the HVAC unit.

Clean leaves and debris around the HVAC unit.

Spring is the perfect time to clean up the debris, dead leaves, and tree branches that have accumulated around the air conditioning unit. During the winter, you probably didn’t check up on the HVAC system when the outdoor temperature was so cold. As a result, your air conditioning system could have a lot of dirt and dust build-up over these past few months.

When your air conditioning unit is dirty and clogged, this could reduce the overall efficiency of the HVAC equipment. In some potential cases, this could even cause critical damages to your air conditioner. You should remember to clean up your AC unit at least a few times throughout the season. Due to the frequency of storms and strong winds during spring, a lot of debris can potentially infiltrate your air conditioning unit.

Tip #2: Be careful about vegetation that grows around the HVAC unit.

Be careful about vegetation that grows around the HVAC unit.

Gardening is a popular activity during the spring. As a gardener, an important HVAC tip is to be mindful of the vegetation that grows around your air conditioning unit. This includes any flowers, crops, bushes and small trees planted near the air conditioner. Make sure these plants do not touch the air conditioning system.

Ideally, the vegetation should not grow within two feet of the air conditioner. The AC unit needs to pull in air to cool down the home properly, so you don’t want the equipment to be obstructed by anything nearby. If this is a problem, it is recommended that you trim a few plants or relocate them elsewhere in your garden.

Tip #3: Replace the dirty air filters

Replace the dirty air filters.

The air filter in your HVAC system is intended to improve the air quality inside your home. The air filter works by trapping dust, pollen, and other allergens throughout your home. If the air filter is dirty, this means your air conditioner will not function as effectively as it should.

You should ideally check the air filter once a month. If you have a disposable filter, you can replace the dirty filter with a new one. If it’s a reusable filter, simply wash the filter and put it back into place.

Tip #4: Test the HVAC system.

Test the HVAC system.

Spring is an ideal season to test your HVAC system after a long period of inactivity. You want to make sure the system runs properly before the scorching summer temperatures arrive. During the testing phase, let the HVAC system run for an hour. Then, check if you notice anything unusual inside and outside of your home. If there are any issues, you still have plenty of time to schedule for an air conditioner repair before the summer season starts.

Tip #5: Install a new HVAC system.

Install a new HVAC system.

When was the last time you bought a new HVAC system? If the purchase happened a long time ago, it may be time to consider upgrading your current HVAC system for this spring season. An old air conditioner could cost you more in maintenance and repair costs than the price of getting a new one installed. A new air conditioning system comes with many benefits, including reliability, energy efficiency, and a better overall performance.

Tip #6: Check the condition of your air ducts.

Check the condition of your air ducts.

Another HVAC tip for spring is to inspect the air ducts around your home. The ducts may be clogged with dust and debris, which can decrease the efficiency of the HVAC system. You may also notice there are cracks or leaky joints in the ductwork. Call a professional HVAC contractor to assess the damage and find out what repairs need to be done.

Tip #7: Install a programmable thermostat.

Install a programmable thermostat.

A programmable thermostat is a useful device that will make it easier to regulate the temperature inside your home. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat yet, it could be a good idea to have one installed during spring. There are many benefits of a programmable thermostat, including a feature to monitor the temperature when nobody is home.

If you already have a programmable thermostat, spring is the perfect time to review your settings. Based on your preferences, adjust the thermostat to ensure your home stays comfortable as the temperature increases.

Tip #8: Close your windows and doors when the AC is on.

Close your windows and your doors when the AC is on

Even before summer arrives, you may notice the temperature getting a lot warmer outside. If you don’t enjoy the sweltering heat, it may be necessary to turn on the air conditioner a bit earlier during the spring. When the air conditioning system is running, you should keep all the windows and doors closed. This prevents the hot and humid air from entering your home, which could be counterintuitive to the effectiveness of your HVAC system.

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