How Your Air Conditioner Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

You may not think much about your home’s indoor air quality. Consider for a moment how much dust is collecting throughout it. If it’s summer, there is likely to be allergens like pollen coming into the home. You could even have mold growing in areas you have no idea about just yet. While there are numerous ways to improve your home’s air quality, one way to improve conditions quickly is to ensure your air conditioner is operating at its best. If you need repairs on your air conditioner, Whitby residents should know not to put them off because of these reasons.

Humidity Control Is a Big Deal

One of the most important ways your air conditioner can help with home comfort and health is to focus on humidity control. Humidity is moisture that is in the air. On hot summer days, you may feel it the most. It can be high at any time of the year, but the summer months tend to be the most common, along with any really rainy days.

Humidity is not a bad thing. You need some moisture in the air to keep your skin comfortable and not dry. However, too much humidity leads to mold buildup. The moisture in the air can saturate the softer surfaces in your home, such as carpeting or drywall. In areas where it is warm, dark, and consistently wet, mold is likely to grow quickly.

By running your air conditioner, you can pull out a lot of that moisture, minimizing the risk that mold is present. Removing that moisture can help to reduce the risk of mold and mildew spreading throughout your home, which can be dangerous for anyone’s respiratory health.

Removing Allergens

Most air conditioners are not air cleaners. That is, they are not going to remove all of the dirt and debris from your home. However, if you keep the air filter clean, they will help pull out a lot of the allergens that are present. Just by running your AC, you could reduce at least some of the buildup of particles in your home (like dust and pollen). This can help your home to have a bit better quality of air, which is important for anyone that has a loved one with allergies.

Your air conditioner can also work alongside an air cleaner. If you have people in your home with serious allergies, pollen-related allergies, or asthma, it may be beneficial to add an air cleaner to your home. That is something a professional can help you with.

Let Our Team Provide You With Air Conditioner Guidance

If you have not had your air conditioner inspected in the last year, now is the time to schedule it. Have maintenance performed on it to help ensure that all components are working at their best. Your air filter may need to be changed as well. Keep your air conditioner in Whitby working its best.

When you call Climate Experts Heating & Cooling, our team will ensure your air conditioner is working at its very best, ensuring your air is as clean as possible. Ask us about indoor air quality, too.