Tips For Getting Your Gas Fireplace Ready for Winter

The best thing about winter is coming home to a warm, crackling fire and a hot mug of cocoa. Of course, it’s even better if you have an electric fireplace you can start with the push of a button! Convenience at its best. With winter right around the corner, let’s talk about some things you should do to get your fireplace ready for winter before firing it up for the first time.


  • FIRST: Clear out the vent of the fireplace! Any and all debris should be removed as it can pose a carbon monoxide and fire risk to your home. Make sure there aren’t any cobwebs, sticks, leaves, or even pests that have set up camp in your fireplace over the summer.
  • SECONDLY: Check out the glass insert on your fireplace. If your gas fireplace has a glass-covered propane make sure it doesn’t have any chips or cracks because the glass helps contain the carbon monoxide emissions.
  • NEXT: Clean your log set thoroughly. These ceramic logs can get dusty while not in use. It isn’t really a hazard but it does smell bad if it burns off. Remember these two tips:
    • #1. Make sure your gas valve is closed before doing any cleaning or work on your fireplace.
    • #2. Return your logs to the exact position they were in before. Logs that are not put in their proper positions can cause carbon monoxide buildup and damage your fireplace.
  • NEXT: Once the logs are moved, clean dust and debris with a handheld vacuum. Don’t forget to replace broken logs.
  • NEXT: Check your pilot light if your fireplace has one. If you see any loose wires, be sure to contact us immediately for repairs.
  • FINALLY: Schedule a maintenance call with us. You should have a professional come out and check everything for you thoroughly before you go into winter. Professionals can check for gas leaks, broken sensors, and a myriad of other things that could be a potential problem for you.

It will get cold soon. Make sure you’re ready and confident in your fireplace. Give Climate Experts a call today (or send us an email) for more information about scheduling a maintenance appointment.