Five Reasons To Get A Fall Furnace Tune Up

fall furnace tuneup and maintenance being done by a repairman 2017 was an especially warm summer for Pickering and the GTA, in general we had a few heat waves that extended all the way into Thanksgiving weekend!  Don’t let that warmer autumn weather fool you, when winter comes you’ll still be relying on the comfort of your furnace to keep everyone warm at home.

It’s always a good idea at this time of year to consider having one of our qualified technicians come in for furnace maintenance and tune-up for the upcoming winter. If you have any doubts as to why this is necessary, we’ve got five good reasons for you to consider.


1 – Keep Your Warranty Valid 

Some people may think a furnace inspection and tune-up isn’t necessary because a unit may still be under warranty, so even if something does go wrong, the repair is free! That however is not true for every instance of a furnace breakdown. In fact, some warranties specify that if damage to a furnace occurs due to neglect that could have been avoided, the manufacturer retains the right to not honor the warranty. This can be easily avoided with an annual maintenance and tune up.

2 – Maintain Efficiency 

Once winter arrives, a furnace will be running on a regular basis during both day and night. That means a lot of different components at work, some of which can lose their effectiveness or efficiency over time through constant use. This means that while everything’s working, you can lose efficiency on your furnace and pay a bit more every month on your energy bill. A tune-up tightens, cleans and restores items on a furnace to return that efficiency to its previous levels and ensure your product runs problem free throughout the heating season.

3 – Preventive Maintenance 

An inspection and tune up on a furnace are similar in nature to your recommended six months check-up by a dentist. If you’ve been taking care of your teeth, hopefully, nothing bad will come up. If it does, catching it early means addressing a smaller, cheaper problem, rather than a bigger, more expensive issue later down the road. Furnace servicing catches these issues for your central heating system.

4 – Continued Safety 

For the health and safety of residents, a furnace or boiler tune-up is a great idea. Only a qualified technician can easily spot defective components, or possible production of carbon monoxide because of component failure or a defective heat exchanger. Both these problems can pose serious dangers for your home and health if there not easily spotted and prevented from getting worse or continuing.

5 – Keep Your Furnace Healthy 

A furnace tune-up ultimately means that your furnace will last longer and cause less problems. Getting it inspected and tuned-up just before another cold winter is the best way to ensure that everything is prepared for the increase usage the lies ahead. A furnace in good condition also can add value to your home for resale purpose and can save you money year over year on unnecessary service calls.

We’re Ready To Get It Done 

Climate Experts Heating & Cooling is ready to help homeowners in Durham and the GTA get ready for another chilly Canadian winter! Contact us on our website or call us today if you’re in need of any repairs, equipment or inspections that you want to be carried out by experienced professionals!