Posted by admin on December 08, 2014
That said, the exact mechanisms used to provide heat in the home can see significant differences. For example, heat is sometimes carried in either steam or hot water that is circulated through radiators, while other times, heat is carried in radiant energies. Likewise, furnaces can consume one of a number of fuels to produce their heat, with common examples including but not limited to coal, fuel oil, natural gas, and even wood.
How a Forced Air Gas Furnace Works
Like other furnaces, a forced air gas furnace is reliant on its thermostat to maintain the right temperature. When the thermostat senses that the interior of the home has fallen below a specified temperature, it starts up the forced air gas furnace.
In short, natural gas is piped in from the supplier to the combustion chamber, where it is lit. The natural gas is used to heat the cold air that has been retained in the combustion chamber, before being forced by a fan to flow throughout the home via a system of ducts. In heated rooms, the flow of hot air is controlled by the heat registers, much as how cold air is returned to the combustion chamber via the ducts by cold-air returns.
In contrast, the fumes that come about as a result of burning the natural gas are channeled from the combustion chamber and out into the environment using a flue pipe. Said pipe vents the fumes using either the roof or one of the walls of the home.
How a Furnace Works – Better or Worse
Of course, not all forced air gas furnace provide the same performance when it comes to heating the interior of the home. The exact mechanisms can come with important implications for the performance of the forced air gas furnace, which should concern you if you are interested in creating the best results while spending as little as possible.
For example, if you are interested in reducing your winter heating bills as much as possible, then you need to install a programmable thermostat. In short, a programmable thermostat lets you program specific temperatures for specific times of the day. This is useful because it lets you set a low temperature while you are not at home and then setting it high a little bit before you are due to arrive home. As a result, you save as much as possible on your winter heating bills without having to compromise on the comfort of you and your family.
Contact Us
To learn more about the function of your furnace, please contact us at Climate Experts. Our service representatives are prepared to provide all interested individuals with knowledge of how a furnace works and other relevant information needed to make the choices that will serve your family best. Securing skilled and experienced assistance with heating and cooling needs no more than a phone call to 1-855-241-7171.